Friday, April 28, 2006

Well said, that pretty much somes up the US's media war on terror?

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

- Samuel Johnson

Well said, that pretty much somes up the US's media war on terror?

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

- Samuel Johnson

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.

- William James


The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.

- William James

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The ultimate camo

Not sure if this idea has been investigated by any1 else. Imagine is you could weave a suit out of optical fibers in such a way that the end point of one fiber is always 180 degrees to the other end and both are perpendicular to the surface of your body! the effect would be that light from any direction would be sent "through" you/the fibers and emerge at the opposite side, making you invisible!

Idea is copyright ofcourse, contact me for rights

The ultimate camo

Not sure if this idea has been investigated by any1 else. Imagine is you could weave a suit out of optical fibers in such a way that the end point of one fiber is always 180 degrees to the other end and both are perpendicular to the surface of your body! the effect would be that light from any direction would be sent "through" you/the fibers and emerge at the opposite side, making you invisible!

Idea is copyright ofcourse, contact me for rights

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Reason 4 leaving

"The man who lets himself be bored is even more contemptible than the bore."

- Samuel Butler

Reason 4 leaving

"The man who lets himself be bored is even more contemptible than the bore."

- Samuel Butler

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Mounting a samba share on Ubuntu

sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=vss,password=123vss123 //vss/vss /media/vss

Mounting a samba share on Ubuntu

sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=vss,password=123vss123 //vss/vss /media/vss | Snort on OpenWrt: Guarding the SOHO perimeter | Snort on OpenWrt: Guarding the SOHO perimeter | Snort on OpenWrt: Guarding the SOHO perimeter | Snort on OpenWrt: Guarding the SOHO perimeter
Howto Backup Ubuntu client on windows (samba) share

duplicity --short-filenames file://

Howto Backup Ubuntu client on windows (samba) share

duplicity --short-filenames file://

Friday, February 10, 2006

Nice Quote

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.

- Alfred Lord Tennyson

Nice Quote

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.

- Alfred Lord Tennyson

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Freedom of Expression, a licence to kill

The media is not threatened by Muslims anger over the publication of those cartoons depicting the cartoonists impression of our Prophet (SAW). All the anger and reaction is just feeding the media monster, giving it more to report on and free advertising for those daring to re-print the cartoons, for example the cheap-shot Mail and Guardian article, which may even get a few more hits because of this reaction.

To quote a moulana at Mayfair Jummah masjid, "There's a lesson in everything..." and one of the lessons from this event is that we as Muslims are partly responsible for giving the wrong impression of our Prophet (SAW). We boast that we try to imitate our Prophet's ways and actions, but do we really do it wholeheartedly or do we just choose aspects which suit us? On the other hand, I don't think that the cartoonist had any intention of portraying a true reflection. He simply expressed the view created by Bush and co., spread by the media and shared by much of the non-Muslim world.

In the end Freedom of Expression and Democracy will prevail as licences to kill, Human dignity and respect for humanity on the other hand will be the victim.

Freedom of Expression, a licence to kill

The media is not threatened by Muslims anger over the publication of those cartoons depicting the cartoonists impression of our Prophet (SAW). All the anger and reaction is just feeding the media monster, giving it more to report on and free advertising for those daring to re-print the cartoons, for example the cheap-shot Mail and Guardian article, which may even get a few more hits because of this reaction.

To quote a moulana at Mayfair Jummah masjid, "There's a lesson in everything..." and one of the lessons from this event is that we as Muslims are partly responsible for giving the wrong impression of our Prophet (SAW). We boast that we try to imitate our Prophet's ways and actions, but do we really do it wholeheartedly or do we just choose aspects which suit us? On the other hand, I don't think that the cartoonist had any intention of portraying a true reflection. He simply expressed the view created by Bush and co., spread by the media and shared by much of the non-Muslim world.

In the end Freedom of Expression and Democracy will prevail as licences to kill, Human dignity and respect for humanity on the other hand will be the victim.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Alloy XC HT

The code XC HT printed on the side of my Mountain Bike really bugged me. At first I thought that perhaps Engineers are not the only humans that suffer from acronym diarrhoea and that Mountain Bikers were also infected. Then I realised that it was probably the Engineers that designed the frame that had put it there.

I finally worked out that it stands for Cross Country Hard Tail. X = Cross is something uncommon in South Africa, but apparantly common-knowledge in the USA where I saw traffic signs saying Railway Xing. Finally realised then that Xing Mpeg player probably stood for Crossing Mpeg player and not Zing Mpeg player.

Alloy XC HT

The code XC HT printed on the side of my Mountain Bike really bugged me. At first I thought that perhaps Engineers are not the only humans that suffer from acronym diarrhoea and that Mountain Bikers were also infected. Then I realised that it was probably the Engineers that designed the frame that had put it there.

I finally worked out that it stands for Cross Country Hard Tail. X = Cross is something uncommon in South Africa, but apparantly common-knowledge in the USA where I saw traffic signs saying Railway Xing. Finally realised then that Xing Mpeg player probably stood for Crossing Mpeg player and not Zing Mpeg player.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Happy new year!

I've been thinking...which is undoubtedly a welcomed occurance. I find myself deep inside a trough and its time to plan my way out again. I began by sticking to a commitment I made to cycle regularly, after investing in a cool new bike(See: ). Thats the physical excercise taken care of. For the mind, I plan to read more, starting with the literature review I need to to toward my thesis proposal. And finally, what should have been sorted out first, I need to get back into performing my Salaah on time. Everything will come right if i get that right, I know from experience! InshaAllah.

Happy new year!

I've been thinking...which is undoubtedly a welcomed occurance. I find myself deep inside a trough and its time to plan my way out again. I began by sticking to a commitment I made to cycle regularly, after investing in a cool new bike(See: ). Thats the physical excercise taken care of. For the mind, I plan to read more, starting with the literature review I need to to toward my thesis proposal. And finally, what should have been sorted out first, I need to get back into performing my Salaah on time. Everything will come right if i get that right, I know from experience! InshaAllah.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Alternative Physics

Alternative Physics An interesting theory similar to the one below

Alternative Physics

Alternative Physics An interesting theory similar to the one below
The Electromagnetic Wave-Mass continuum

What if EVERYTHING is made up of Electromagnetic waves? It maybe that mass as we know it is just made up of very very high frequency electromagnetic waves. The theory is consistent with the particle nature of light in that EM waves start to show matter-like properties as the frequency increases. Has anyone managed to measure/produce EM waves with frequencies beyond that of Gamma rays? (10^24Hz). It just sounds so simple that it probably is true! Occam's Razor

The Electromagnetic Wave-Mass continuum

What if EVERYTHING is made up of Electromagnetic waves? It maybe that mass as we know it is just made up of very very high frequency electromagnetic waves. The theory is consistent with the particle nature of light in that EM waves start to show matter-like properties as the frequency increases. Has anyone managed to measure/produce EM waves with frequencies beyond that of Gamma rays? (10^24Hz). It just sounds so simple that it probably is true! Occam's Razor