Stardate 20040101, somewhere in the Milky way galaxy: Enterprise has encountered a strange entity, which has identified itself as....The Blog
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
How-To Recover password under Ubuntu -- Ubuntu Geek
How-To Recover password under Ubuntu -- Ubuntu Geek
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
How To Be A Successful Evil Overlord
How To Be A Successful Evil Overlord
How To Be A Successful Evil Overlord
How To Be A Successful Evil Overlord
Friday, June 08, 2007
Wireless power, finally!
Wireless power could have cellphone users beaming - tech - 07 June 2007 - New Scientist Tech
Wireless power, finally!
Wireless power could have cellphone users beaming - tech - 07 June 2007 - New Scientist Tech
What do Shabir Shaik and Paris Hilton have in common?
Paris Hilton out of jail
If they were'nt as famous, they might just have got away with it!
What do Shabir Shaik and Paris Hilton have in common?
Paris Hilton out of jail
If they were'nt as famous, they might just have got away with it!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Imagineering in Wonderland
Learned a few things:
- South Africa was one of the 1st Nuclear countries because of our Uranium resources.
- Palindaba is going to deplete it's uranium from weapons grade to 19.5% fuel grade.
- Global warming is just another one of those "keep control by instilling fear" tactics, i.e. bird flu has had its turn.
- Refreshed my interest in the Quantum nature of electrons and Heisenburgs uncertainty principle. Quantum electron pairs will choose opposite spins instantaneously, even though separated by space.
- What happens if an electro-magnetic waves' frequency is increased to a point that it approaches infinity?
- Can an electro-magnetic wave fold in on itself? Would this result in a particle?
Imagineering in Wonderland
Learned a few things:
- South Africa was one of the 1st Nuclear countries because of our Uranium resources.
- Palindaba is going to deplete it's uranium from weapons grade to 19.5% fuel grade.
- Global warming is just another one of those "keep control by instilling fear" tactics, i.e. bird flu has had its turn.
- Refreshed my interest in the Quantum nature of electrons and Heisenburgs uncertainty principle. Quantum electron pairs will choose opposite spins instantaneously, even though separated by space.
- What happens if an electro-magnetic waves' frequency is increased to a point that it approaches infinity?
- Can an electro-magnetic wave fold in on itself? Would this result in a particle?
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Yes, the camera does rule the west..
- In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
[In regione caecorum rex est luscus.]- Desiderius Erasmus, Adagia (III, IV, 96)
Dutch author, philosopher, & scholar (1466 - 1536)
Dajaal has just one eye doesn't he?
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Yes, the camera does rule the west..
- In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
[In regione caecorum rex est luscus.]- Desiderius Erasmus, Adagia (III, IV, 96)
Dutch author, philosopher, & scholar (1466 - 1536)
Dajaal has just one eye doesn't he?
Saturday, June 02, 2007
'60 die' as Afghan boat sinks -
Read between the lines people, somebody did something terrible here and once again, the Afghans have had to pay the price.
'60 die' as Afghan boat sinks -
Read between the lines people, somebody did something terrible here and once again, the Afghans have had to pay the price.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
With a combination of twitter and either:
Widsets with the twitter widget
a Gtalk account with a mobile IM client like mxit
one can send free sms's from a mobile!
All you need to do is use the IM client/ widsets widget to send a direct twitter to a friend and he will receive the message as an SMS, thanks to twitter!
With a combination of twitter and either:
Widsets with the twitter widget
a Gtalk account with a mobile IM client like mxit
one can send free sms's from a mobile!
All you need to do is use the IM client/ widsets widget to send a direct twitter to a friend and he will receive the message as an SMS, thanks to twitter!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Google Co-op - Islamic Search Engine
I present to you my 1st two search engines, the Islamic Search Engine:
, the Famous Search Engine of Food and Recipes:
, the Telecommunications Search Engine:
and now the Mobile Device User Agent Profile (UAProf) Search Engine:
The actual searches can be found on the right hand side panel under the usual Google search widget.
Google Co-op - Islamic Search Engine
I present to you my 1st two search engines, the Islamic Search Engine:
, the Famous Search Engine of Food and Recipes:
, the Telecommunications Search Engine:
and now the Mobile Device User Agent Profile (UAProf) Search Engine:
The actual searches can be found on the right hand side panel under the usual Google search widget.
Linux evolves for mobile phones
"The Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded project aims to create the open source platform for initial release in October 2007.
The operating system will be developed by members of the Ubuntu community, along with staff from chip giant Intel.
Its development was prompted by the growth of power hungry portable devices that place new demands on software.
"It is clear that new types of device - small, handheld, graphical tablets which are Internet-enabled - are going to change the way we communicate and collaborate," said Ubuntu CTO Matt Zimmerman.
"These devices place new demands on open-source software and require innovative graphical interfaces, improved power management and better responsiveness."
Mobile firms such as Nokia are already using open source technologies in some of its products...."
Linux evolves for mobile phones
"The Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded project aims to create the open source platform for initial release in October 2007.
The operating system will be developed by members of the Ubuntu community, along with staff from chip giant Intel.
Its development was prompted by the growth of power hungry portable devices that place new demands on software.
"It is clear that new types of device - small, handheld, graphical tablets which are Internet-enabled - are going to change the way we communicate and collaborate," said Ubuntu CTO Matt Zimmerman.
"These devices place new demands on open-source software and require innovative graphical interfaces, improved power management and better responsiveness."
Mobile firms such as Nokia are already using open source technologies in some of its products...."
Monday, May 07, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
FICA Sucks
To make matters worse, I receive utility bills either via email or to my postal address because I don't trust the post-box at my house, like most South Africans.
THEY (Standard Bank/FICA) don't accept pdf documents as proof of residence! How backward can you be??? Its just ridiculous in this day and age. They want the "original" documents. I would change banks if I didn't know already that the other banks suck as much.
FICA Sucks
To make matters worse, I receive utility bills either via email or to my postal address because I don't trust the post-box at my house, like most South Africans.
THEY (Standard Bank/FICA) don't accept pdf documents as proof of residence! How backward can you be??? Its just ridiculous in this day and age. They want the "original" documents. I would change banks if I didn't know already that the other banks suck as much.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The Maelstrom trail at Logwood Bike Haven
This is an old pic of what is now known as the Diadora Dropoff at Logwood. Trust me, it looks much scarier from the top!
The Maelstrom trail at Logwood Bike Haven
This is an old pic of what is now known as the Diadora Dropoff at Logwood. Trust me, it looks much scarier from the top!
Friday, March 23, 2007 - How Muslims Pray and What They Say - How Muslims Pray and What They Say
Thursday, March 15, 2007
The universe is a string-net liquid - fundamentals - 15 March 2007 - New Scientist
The universe is a string-net liquid - fundamentals - 15 March 2007 - New Scientist
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Quote of the day....
Quote of the day....
Monday, March 12, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
Regarding wearing trowsers above the ankles..
Narrated Abdullah bin Umar: That Allah's Apostle said, "Allah will not look on the Day of Judgment at him who drags his robe (behind him) out of pride." Abu Bakr said "One side of my robe slacks down unless I get very cautious about it." Allah's Apostle said, "But you do not do that with a pride." Shaih Bukhari (5:57:17)
Regarding wearing trowsers above the ankles..
Narrated Abdullah bin Umar: That Allah's Apostle said, "Allah will not look on the Day of Judgment at him who drags his robe (behind him) out of pride." Abu Bakr said "One side of my robe slacks down unless I get very cautious about it." Allah's Apostle said, "But you do not do that with a pride." Shaih Bukhari (5:57:17)
Thursday, March 08, 2007
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israeli army 'used human shields'
Israeli army 'used human shields' | ||
An Israeli human rights group has accused Israel's army of using two young Palestinians as human shields during a recent raid in the West Bank. The B'Tselem group said it had testimony from a 15-year-old boy, his 24-year-old cousin and also an 11-year-old boy. They said soldiers had forced them at gunpoint to enter houses ahead of the troops during the raid in Nablus.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israeli army 'used human shields'
Israeli army 'used human shields' | ||
An Israeli human rights group has accused Israel's army of using two young Palestinians as human shields during a recent raid in the West Bank. The B'Tselem group said it had testimony from a 15-year-old boy, his 24-year-old cousin and also an 11-year-old boy. They said soldiers had forced them at gunpoint to enter houses ahead of the troops during the raid in Nablus.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
You won't believe your eyes: The mysteries of sight revealed
You won't believe your eyes: The mysteries of sight revealed
Did you know that certain women see colours that no one else can? Or that some children have developed specialised underwater vision? Simon Ings peers into the world of sight
Published: 07 March 2007
Human colour vision is a relatively recent acquisition. It is, at most, 63 million years old, and it may be a lot younger. On a genetic level, it is a mess: misalignments and redundancies in the genes that code for our "red" and "green" colour perceptions account for 95 per cent of all variations in human colour vision, and it is quite usual for up to nine genes to cluster together in an attempt to code for these colours. This is why the perception of colours - especially blues and greens - varies so much between individuals.
Humans perceive colour through three types of colour-sensitive cell, called cones, but some have four types. Equipped with four receptors instead of three, Mrs M - an English social worker, and the first known human "tetrachromat" - sees rare subtleties of colour. Looking at a rainbow, she can see 10 distinct colours. Most of us only see five. She was the first to be discovered as having this ability, in 1993, and a study in 2004 found that two out of 80 subjects were tetrachromats.
If our eyes did not move - if they simply "drank in" the view before them - we would go blind. Our retinas can only process contrast, and soon become exhausted looking at the same thing for too long. They must tremble constantly in order to bring still objects into view.
Human vision captures only two degrees of the world with any clarity, so we tend to miss things that happen outside our focus of attention - and the more we concentrate, the more extreme our "attention blindness" becomes. This makes us easy prey for psychologists such as Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris, whose notorious experiment of 1999 asked its viewers to score a three-a-side, 90-second basketball game. Afterwards, the viewers were told to relax, put down their score cards and watch the video again. Only then did the game's most remarkable feature come to light: the invasion of the court, a few seconds in, by a 7ft-tall pantomime gorilla.
Our eyes stay several steps ahead of us, whatever we happen to be doing. When negotiating a turn in the road, for example, a driver's eye will provide motor information to his or her arms almost a second before he or she makes any movement. By then, the eyes will already be looking elsewhere. Visually at least, we operate in the world not as it is, but as it existed half a second ago. This raises a not insignificant question: how does the eye know where to direct its gaze next?
The concept of a bionic eye is nothing new. In the 1970s, bio-engineer Paul Bach-y-Rita, now at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, was turning different parts of the body into eyes. His prototypes were vests containing hundreds of mechanical vibrators. Pixelated images from a low-resolution video camera, worn on a pair of glasses, were translated into mechanical vibrations against the skin of the chest or back. Bach-y-Rita's volunteers were able to recognise faces using the system. Proof that they could see came when Paul threw balled-up papers at them: they ducked.
Because light behaves differently in water and air, land-adapted human vision is lousy in water. Someone, however, forgot to tell the Moken - gypsies who ply the Burmese archipelago and Thailand's western coast. Moken children, who spend days diving for clams and sea cucumbers, can see twice as much fine detail underwater as European children. While the pupils of the latter expand underwater, in response to the dimness of the light, Moken pupils shrink to their smallest possible diameter, improving acuity underwater. Mokens also use the lenses of their eyes more, squishing them to the limit of human performance.
A rod cell is the commonest form of light-sensitive cell in the human eye. When it is exposed to light, it expands like a Slinky toy to twice its length. In the dark, it contracts again. Rods behave like muscle cells, and muscle fibres expand and contract in response to electrical stimulation. The retinal rod, too, is responding to an electrical signal - one that comes from a biochemical reaction to light.
The working retina is a glorified Pin Art machine. On 16 November 1880, in the German town of Bruchsal, a young felon was beheaded by guillotine. A short while later, in a gloomy room, its windows screened with red and yellow glass, Wilhelm Kühne, professor of physiology at Heidelberg, dissected the dead boy's eyes. Ten minutes later, he showed colleagues a sharp pattern on the surface of the left retina. This, Kühne said, was an optogram: a dying vision, preserved as a chemical pattern on the retina.
Few animals risk making a feature of their eyes. The "whites" of most vertebrates' eyes are dark, concealing the direction of their gaze. Only a social animal - a parrot, say, or a human - would make its eyes noticeable. Our bright whites enable us to use gaze-direction to convey emotion. A downward gaze indicates sadness; looking down and away suggests shame; looking away is a sign of frustration or disgust. The lateral rectus eye muscle is labelled "amatoris" in early anatomies because lovers use it to flirt.
The nose of the star-nosed mole, Condylura cristata, has evolved into a mobile fleshy organ only about one centimetre across. Its nerves - five times as many as run through the human hand - are arranged across the nose's 22 "fingers", so that the mole's nose is most sensitive at its centre. The whole distribution of nerve endings bears a more than passing resemblance to the retina of a mammalian eye.
Although our eyes can move smoothly when tracking a target, they more usually snap from position to position to capture a selection of "stills". To avoid disorientation, our optic nerves fall silent while our eyes are moving between stills. This leaves us blind for about 10 per cent of our waking lives.
Crying is difficult to fake. Even actors have to generate some feeling before they cry. The Israeli evolutionary biologist Amotz Zahavi proposed that you can infer the honesty of a social signal by measuring the cost of the expression. Harvard's Marc Hauser, applying this principle to the eye, regards tears as the human equivalent of a dog rolling belly-up to show submission. "Unlike all of the other emotional expressions, tearing is the only one that leaves a physical trace," he says. "It blurs one's vision, therefore it's costly."
Arguably, the largest eye in nature is currently lying on a slab at the Te Papa museum in Auckland, New Zealand. It belongs to a colossal squid, Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni. Identified in 1925, the colossal squid evaded capture for years until, this February, the trawler San Aspiring snagged an adult male on a fishing line. It is about 39 feet long. To be the biggest ever measured, the squid's eye will have to beat the previous record, set by a giant squid, found alive and stranded in Newfoundland in 1878. It had eyes 40cm across - wider than my computer screen.
About a week into a baby's development in the womb, a single eye socket appears in the middle of its forehead. Soon, it splits into two. The Cyclops - the one-eyed giant of mythology - has inspired many explanations, but the most likely is also the saddest. Very rarely, a developing child's brain fails to divide into two, and the central eye socket doesn't divide. This happens a handful of times each year.
In 1996, about 60 per cent of American 23- to 34-year-olds were short-sighted, compared with only about 20 per cent of people over the age of 65. In Asia, things are worse. The Singapore National Eye Centre estimates that more than 80 per cent of the country's 18-year-old men are myopic. In the developed world, severe myopia is the leading cause of blindness. Evidence suggests that children grow more short-sighted in term-time than during the holidays.
You won't believe your eyes: The mysteries of sight revealed
You won't believe your eyes: The mysteries of sight revealed
Did you know that certain women see colours that no one else can? Or that some children have developed specialised underwater vision? Simon Ings peers into the world of sight
Published: 07 March 2007
Human colour vision is a relatively recent acquisition. It is, at most, 63 million years old, and it may be a lot younger. On a genetic level, it is a mess: misalignments and redundancies in the genes that code for our "red" and "green" colour perceptions account for 95 per cent of all variations in human colour vision, and it is quite usual for up to nine genes to cluster together in an attempt to code for these colours. This is why the perception of colours - especially blues and greens - varies so much between individuals.
Humans perceive colour through three types of colour-sensitive cell, called cones, but some have four types. Equipped with four receptors instead of three, Mrs M - an English social worker, and the first known human "tetrachromat" - sees rare subtleties of colour. Looking at a rainbow, she can see 10 distinct colours. Most of us only see five. She was the first to be discovered as having this ability, in 1993, and a study in 2004 found that two out of 80 subjects were tetrachromats.
If our eyes did not move - if they simply "drank in" the view before them - we would go blind. Our retinas can only process contrast, and soon become exhausted looking at the same thing for too long. They must tremble constantly in order to bring still objects into view.
Human vision captures only two degrees of the world with any clarity, so we tend to miss things that happen outside our focus of attention - and the more we concentrate, the more extreme our "attention blindness" becomes. This makes us easy prey for psychologists such as Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris, whose notorious experiment of 1999 asked its viewers to score a three-a-side, 90-second basketball game. Afterwards, the viewers were told to relax, put down their score cards and watch the video again. Only then did the game's most remarkable feature come to light: the invasion of the court, a few seconds in, by a 7ft-tall pantomime gorilla.
Our eyes stay several steps ahead of us, whatever we happen to be doing. When negotiating a turn in the road, for example, a driver's eye will provide motor information to his or her arms almost a second before he or she makes any movement. By then, the eyes will already be looking elsewhere. Visually at least, we operate in the world not as it is, but as it existed half a second ago. This raises a not insignificant question: how does the eye know where to direct its gaze next?
The concept of a bionic eye is nothing new. In the 1970s, bio-engineer Paul Bach-y-Rita, now at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, was turning different parts of the body into eyes. His prototypes were vests containing hundreds of mechanical vibrators. Pixelated images from a low-resolution video camera, worn on a pair of glasses, were translated into mechanical vibrations against the skin of the chest or back. Bach-y-Rita's volunteers were able to recognise faces using the system. Proof that they could see came when Paul threw balled-up papers at them: they ducked.
Because light behaves differently in water and air, land-adapted human vision is lousy in water. Someone, however, forgot to tell the Moken - gypsies who ply the Burmese archipelago and Thailand's western coast. Moken children, who spend days diving for clams and sea cucumbers, can see twice as much fine detail underwater as European children. While the pupils of the latter expand underwater, in response to the dimness of the light, Moken pupils shrink to their smallest possible diameter, improving acuity underwater. Mokens also use the lenses of their eyes more, squishing them to the limit of human performance.
A rod cell is the commonest form of light-sensitive cell in the human eye. When it is exposed to light, it expands like a Slinky toy to twice its length. In the dark, it contracts again. Rods behave like muscle cells, and muscle fibres expand and contract in response to electrical stimulation. The retinal rod, too, is responding to an electrical signal - one that comes from a biochemical reaction to light.
The working retina is a glorified Pin Art machine. On 16 November 1880, in the German town of Bruchsal, a young felon was beheaded by guillotine. A short while later, in a gloomy room, its windows screened with red and yellow glass, Wilhelm Kühne, professor of physiology at Heidelberg, dissected the dead boy's eyes. Ten minutes later, he showed colleagues a sharp pattern on the surface of the left retina. This, Kühne said, was an optogram: a dying vision, preserved as a chemical pattern on the retina.
Few animals risk making a feature of their eyes. The "whites" of most vertebrates' eyes are dark, concealing the direction of their gaze. Only a social animal - a parrot, say, or a human - would make its eyes noticeable. Our bright whites enable us to use gaze-direction to convey emotion. A downward gaze indicates sadness; looking down and away suggests shame; looking away is a sign of frustration or disgust. The lateral rectus eye muscle is labelled "amatoris" in early anatomies because lovers use it to flirt.
The nose of the star-nosed mole, Condylura cristata, has evolved into a mobile fleshy organ only about one centimetre across. Its nerves - five times as many as run through the human hand - are arranged across the nose's 22 "fingers", so that the mole's nose is most sensitive at its centre. The whole distribution of nerve endings bears a more than passing resemblance to the retina of a mammalian eye.
Although our eyes can move smoothly when tracking a target, they more usually snap from position to position to capture a selection of "stills". To avoid disorientation, our optic nerves fall silent while our eyes are moving between stills. This leaves us blind for about 10 per cent of our waking lives.
Crying is difficult to fake. Even actors have to generate some feeling before they cry. The Israeli evolutionary biologist Amotz Zahavi proposed that you can infer the honesty of a social signal by measuring the cost of the expression. Harvard's Marc Hauser, applying this principle to the eye, regards tears as the human equivalent of a dog rolling belly-up to show submission. "Unlike all of the other emotional expressions, tearing is the only one that leaves a physical trace," he says. "It blurs one's vision, therefore it's costly."
Arguably, the largest eye in nature is currently lying on a slab at the Te Papa museum in Auckland, New Zealand. It belongs to a colossal squid, Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni. Identified in 1925, the colossal squid evaded capture for years until, this February, the trawler San Aspiring snagged an adult male on a fishing line. It is about 39 feet long. To be the biggest ever measured, the squid's eye will have to beat the previous record, set by a giant squid, found alive and stranded in Newfoundland in 1878. It had eyes 40cm across - wider than my computer screen.
About a week into a baby's development in the womb, a single eye socket appears in the middle of its forehead. Soon, it splits into two. The Cyclops - the one-eyed giant of mythology - has inspired many explanations, but the most likely is also the saddest. Very rarely, a developing child's brain fails to divide into two, and the central eye socket doesn't divide. This happens a handful of times each year.
In 1996, about 60 per cent of American 23- to 34-year-olds were short-sighted, compared with only about 20 per cent of people over the age of 65. In Asia, things are worse. The Singapore National Eye Centre estimates that more than 80 per cent of the country's 18-year-old men are myopic. In the developed world, severe myopia is the leading cause of blindness. Evidence suggests that children grow more short-sighted in term-time than during the holidays.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Friday, March 02, 2007
Dictionary of Difficult Words - je ne sais quoi
'I do not know what'; indescribable attractive attribute or quality; 'a certain something'."
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Global Rich List
Global Rich List will give you an idea of what the rest of the world earns. Makes you think twice when you know how fortunate you really are, thank God.
Global Rich List
Global Rich List will give you an idea of what the rest of the world earns. Makes you think twice when you know how fortunate you really are, thank God.
Friday, February 23, 2007
'UK fears US will attack Iran': World: News: News24
*sigh*, surprise, surprise...
It would be the next (il)logical step now wouldn't it?
'UK fears US will attack Iran': World: News: News24
*sigh*, surprise, surprise...
It would be the next (il)logical step now wouldn't it?
Quote of the day
- Jerry Seinfeld"
Quote of the day
- Jerry Seinfeld"
Thursday, February 22, 2007
This is what your greed for oil means to Iraqi's
May that family be blessed with Jannah and may those guilty pay for their sins in this life and the next.
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet sent Mu'adh to Yemen and said, "Be afraid, from the curse of the oppressed as there is no screen between his invocation and Allah." Shaih
This is what your greed for oil means to Iraqi's
May that family be blessed with Jannah and may those guilty pay for their sins in this life and the next.
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet sent Mu'adh to Yemen and said, "Be afraid, from the curse of the oppressed as there is no screen between his invocation and Allah." Shaih
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
What the Quraan says about dieting Translation of the Quran in English
In summary, moderation!
What the Quraan says about dieting Translation of the Quran in English
In summary, moderation!