Reshared post from +Ahmed Zeeshan
#mindblown #universe
The Known Universe
A few days back I posted a youtube video that gave us an idea of how planets from the solar system would look like if they were as close to us as our Moon. The realization of how small we are is actually quite over whelming.
Usually we're presented with numbers and light years of distance which doesn't really give us the kind of visual representation of scale we're looking for. Hence, when I say that at 13.7 billion light years from earth we reach the extent of our known universe, even though it's a seemingly massive number the scale of it still doesn't sink in properly.
Therefore, today I give you this video from a couple years ago. It does an amazing job of showing us our known universe and how our Earth fits into it. The video has 8 million views thus far but the whole planet needs to watch this.
Everytime I am faced with some big hurdle in my life I watch this and realize:
- how insignificant I am in the grand scheme of things
- there is so much out there to explore and discover
- we're slowly destroying earth, our only home, in so many ways
- and most importantly how frikking big the universe is and that's just the known bit
So share this with everyone everywhere. We all need to watch it.
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