Thursday, June 12, 2008

Marc Lottering - "Why coloureds can't be terrorists"

Why Brain-Ows can't be terrorists

- Ons is altyd laat. We would have missed all 4 flights.

- We talk loud and would bring attention to ourselves.

- Met free kos en cooldrink oppie plane, we'll sommer forget why we're there.

- We praat with our hands, so we'll continually be putting the weapons down.

- We would ALL want to fly the freaking plane, ending in a mo**se
fight with each other.

- We'll sommer argue and start a fight in the terminal before we even
get on the plane & one of us is bound to say out loud: "Gaan k*k man!
Dan hijack jy die f**kken plane alleen!!"

- Ons kannie 'n secret hou nie. We would have told everyone a week
before doing it, telling them: "Moet vir niemand sè nie, ho!"

- We would have insisted that the plane fly past Strandfontein Pavillion.
- We would have all lined up to get our photograph taken by one of the hostages.

- When we enter the cockpit, we would have used the intercom system
for a karaoke session, with one d**s trying to sing 'I did it my way'.

- We would first rob everyone of their Ray-Bans, cellphones and gold
teeth, just before we crash the plane.

- Our whole freaking family plus neighbors would have been at the
airport to see us off, crying their bleddie eyes out, and your mother
saying to the white ou next to her: "I'm so proud of him. It's the
first time he's hijacking a plane!"

- We would have dressed like terrorists for our airport go-way
clothes: balaclavas, jumpsuits, karate skoentjies, dark glasses, en 'n
mo*rse attitude.

- Two of us would have forgotten our passports at home.

- Three of us would have overweight luggage.

- All of us would have luggage.

- We would have all wanted to watch the in-flight movie first.

- Before we went into action, we would have all queued up at the
toilet to first gel our hair.

- We would have taken the plane for a joyride first, played the music
at full blast and try to park the plane somewhere where the chicks
could see us.

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