Stardate 20040101, somewhere in the Milky way galaxy: Enterprise has encountered a strange entity, which has identified itself as....The Blog
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been shopping on Black Friday ? lol
Yes, went equipped with my pepper spray to fend off the old ladies....
nice one hope you got a couple of blows in, so you got the toaster for $1,50 ? NICE
That toaster is total over kill! Who needs to toast more than 2 slices at a time? lol
+Anthony Isaakidis dude, you are extremely right... it is these colonial powers that would need to toast more than 2 pieces :P
This toaster is empowered.
Ha ha ha ha so does it have intentions to national the bread factories comrade? Cos I totally want a slice then! :P
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been shopping on Black Friday ? lol
Yes, went equipped with my pepper spray to fend off the old ladies....
nice one hope you got a couple of blows in, so you got the toaster for $1,50 ? NICE
That toaster is total over kill! Who needs to toast more than 2 slices at a time? lol
+Anthony Isaakidis dude, you are extremely right... it is these colonial powers that would need to toast more than 2 pieces :P
This toaster is empowered.
Ha ha ha ha so does it have intentions to national the bread factories comrade? Cos I totally want a slice then! :P
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