Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Any FNB people on G+ yet?

Any FNB people on G+ yet?

Reshared post from +Yusuf Mayet
FNB just offered me to activate Verified by Visa on my cards. Its an extra layer of security, whereby when you purchase online, FNB will send you an OTP to your mobile which you have to them confirm the purchase with.

However, how will this affect Android Market purchases? Since Android Market and Google Wallet/Checkout does not have the option to input a pin, will VbV break the purchase.

Or will VbV be bypassed by Google Wallet/Checkout, so Android Market purchases will not be affected?

Anybody know?

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Verified by Visa is preventing mobile commerce claims Mobgets
Getting your business mobile

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Bob Aman said...

Not sure about this case but I believe VbV does not break in cases where it's not supported.

Joos Louw said...

This is what I remember from when we developed an online credit card system: the merchant's system indicates to the banking system what capabilities it has and what type of transactions it does, ie. card present, not present, etc. The payment workflow will then bypass any mechanism that the merchant can't support. If a merchant supports the extra verification steps, they get some protection from charge backs etc. If not then they are liable for charge backs.

Yusuf Kaka said...

Aah, that makes sense! Thanks +Joos Louw

Ebrahim Jogee said...

I have activated the verfied by VISA on my FNB cards about a month ago.. Google checkout still works. However it bypasses the verified by Visa mechanism. I 've bought a number of apps on the 80cent andoroid sale and all payments went off successfully.