Monday, May 14, 2012

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Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Why so little condemnation of Israel's extremism?
Thaer Halahleh wrote a letter to his wife Shireen from an Israeli jail in February: "My detention has been renewed seven times and they still haven't charged me. I can't take it any more." Then the 34...

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Bob Aman said...

Both sides of the conflict need to clean house, but Israel should start.

Yusuf Kaka said...

Both sides of the conflict need to learn mutual respect and tolerance, starting with people like us commenting from the fringes.

Bob Aman said...

I think one of the biggest challenges here is that the voices of people seeking to protest injustice through non-violent means will always be drowned out by people on the same side trying to protest injustice through violent means.

It's hard for anyone to hear what someone is saying if they're distracted by fear.

(Which, BTW, should not be construed as excusing the injustice being protested.)