Step 1: Make the source files
Un-tar your source files. This should result in a directory ./the_app
cd into the_app directory: cd the_app
Make the application according to the instructions in the README file, usually just means running the make command in the the_app directory: ./make
Step 2: Prepare the "control" file
Then create a directory DEBIAN: mkdir DEBIAN
cd into DEBIAN: cd DEBIAN
Create a file called "control" based on the following example:
Package: your_package_name_without_ext
Version: 1.0
Section: base
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: prog1 (>= 2.05a-11), prog2 (>= 2.0-12), prog3, prog4 (>= \ 1:2.0.7-8), prog5 (>= 3.02-8), prog6 (>= 2.4.2-3), prog7 (>= 5.0-5)
Maintainer: Yusuf
Description: A little sumthing sumthing on your program
Step 3: Put all the files in their places
Now you've got to create a directory structure with the files needed as they will be installed on your system.
So if you need the bin files in your /usr/local/bin directory then copy the bin files into the_app/usr/local/bin : cp usr/local/bin
Step 4: Create the Package
Decend into the directory containing the_app and run: dpkg-deb --build the_app
Thats it! You should now have a the_app.deb package
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