Saturday, April 16, 2005

Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings

My 1st experience with a pc was with a ZX Spectrum way back in 1990'ish. I later progressed to a Commodore 128 and then finally in 1992 I mananged to get my paws on on my dads 286, which he intended to use for bussiness. DOS was a dream, it was complex enough (at the time) to keep me challenged for hours on end, especially when I had recover (on more than one occasion) from the odd virus, DIR II, Michaelangelo, Stoned, the good old days. When I discovered Windows in 1995, it really was not my forte, it hid the complexity of the pc too much and made things too easy. But, I had to stick with the times and the Games, which soon required Windows and Windows soon lost DOS.

To cut a long story short, for now, until I get to update this, I discovered Ubuntu Linux, much better than my previous encounters with Linux (Mandrake, Red-Hat), works like a charm and its FREE! Check out: Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings


Anonymous said...

Ubuntu isn't something magical. Ubuntu is DEBIAN.

Be a real man, and install Debian rather than something that is just a derivative off other people's hard work

Anonymous said...

Ubuntu isn't something magical. Ubuntu is DEBIAN.

Be a real man, and install Debian rather than something that is just a derivative off other people's hard work

Joey said...

Be a real man and leave your contact details. Just kidding ;)

I have given Debian a try and I was very impressed I must admit and it also probably the reason I chose Ubuntu. My 1st Linux experience was with Red-Hat, then Mandrake, then Debian and finally Ubuntu.

I found all the distro's bar Ubuntu, far too "cluttered" and there were just too many options in terms of deskop environments, applications, etc. For somebody gettting into Linux for the 1st time, it can be too much. It helps if some of the choices are made for you, like Ubuntu has, for instance Gnome is the chosen desktop and the default apps are reduced to one, working, app of each kind.