Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Engineered Universe

I'm going to attempt describing my Universe. In my Universe, the Creator, is the ultimate Engineer. The 1st thing ever created was a Pen and Writing Material according to Islam. In my Engineered Universe, where nothing existed, a detailed paper design would be the perfect starting point. The 1st thing that needed to be designed was the host environment and with it a scaled down testing environment. The live environment OS, Heaven (UNIX based) would run on 7 servers, of increasing power and the test environment, the known Universe could be run as a virtual machine. The 1st applications developed after the OS, were some device drivers, API and hooks to the OS and hardware. These were called Angels and were written mostly in c(fire).

The 1st user-space application, also written in c was the Jinn. It included some cutting-edge non-Artificial Intelligence and were able to make decisions based on their nAI engines. Pretty cool, but they ended up writing into each others memory spaces and causing general havoc on the Earth virtual machine. Meanwhile the nAI engine was modified and re-written using a new programming Language c++(clay) and was called Adam. So impressed was the Engineer that He ran a demo of Adam on the directly on the live platform with an instance of the Jinn called Iblees (a.k.a Devil). Iblees and the Angels were asked to give up some CPU in awe of Adam. The Angels obliged, but the nAI engines of the Jinn kicked in, in particular a variable called
Pride and Iblees refused.

Iblees was taken off the live platform and run in one or other virtual machine and another instance of Adam, codename Eve was run on Live. Iblees somehow managed to spawn a trojan horse (worm-snake) that accessed the memory space of Adam and Even, causing them to access a read-only Apple file (iTunes?). The Engineer, upset that the new nAI engine was not behaving, decided it was time to do some real capacity testing with Adam to see if the nAI engine could self-correct and withstand attacks from other malicious c code. Adam, Eve, Iblees were all put onto the Earth VM (with some Jinn instances already there) and given the ability to spawn multiple instances. Each instance was given a max time-to-live and assigned a logger Angel.

A time was set for the capacity test afterwhich the logs will be examined. Each instance of Adam that withstands the malicious attacks of Iblees and his Spawn will be put onto the Live platform, the rest together with Iblees will be put onto a Windows based VM called Hell.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

How to get Google Friends Wall Gadget to work on WordPress

The code generated by the Google gadget customiser at http://www.google.com/friendconnect will not simply work on a WordPress Page or Post because of the Javascript that is thrown in.

Once you're done customising your gadget you will end up with code like this:
<!-- Include the Google Friend Connect javascript library. -->
<script src="http://www.google.com/friendconnect/script/friendconnect.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- Define the div tag where the gadget will be inserted. -->
<!-- Render the gadget into a div. -->
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var skin = {};
skin['BORDER_COLOR'] = '#cccccc';
skin['ENDCAP_BG_COLOR'] = '#e0ecff';
skin['ENDCAP_TEXT_COLOR'] = '#333333';
skin['ENDCAP_LINK_COLOR'] = '#0000cc';
skin['ALTERNATE_BG_COLOR'] = '#ffffff';
skin['CONTENT_BG_COLOR'] = '#ffffff';
skin['CONTENT_LINK_COLOR'] = '#0000cc';
skin['CONTENT_TEXT_COLOR'] = '#333333';
skin['CONTENT_HEADLINE_COLOR'] = '#333333';
skin['DEFAULT_COMMENT_TEXT'] = '- add your comment here -';
skin['HEADER_TEXT'] = 'Comments';
skin['POSTS_PER_PAGE'] = '5';
google.friendconnect.container.setParentUrl('/' /* location of rpc_relay.html and canvas.html */);
{ id: 'div-YYYYYYYY',
// --></script>

The guilty code is highlighted above. This needs to be replaced the following code on your page/post:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/wall.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

and the code you cut out needs to be pasted into a separate file "/scripts/wall.js with some minor adjustments as highlighted below:
function doWall(){

var skin = {};

skin['BORDER_COLOR'] = '#cccccc';

skin['ENDCAP_BG_COLOR'] = '#e0ecff';

skin['ENDCAP_TEXT_COLOR'] = '#333333';

skin['ENDCAP_LINK_COLOR'] = '#0000cc';

skin['ALTERNATE_BG_COLOR'] = '#ffffff';

skin['CONTENT_BG_COLOR'] = '#ffffff';

skin['CONTENT_LINK_COLOR'] = '#0000cc';

skin['CONTENT_TEXT_COLOR'] = '#333333';



skin['CONTENT_HEADLINE_COLOR'] = '#333333';

skin['DEFAULT_COMMENT_TEXT'] = '- add your comment here -';

skin['HEADER_TEXT'] = 'Comments';

skin['POSTS_PER_PAGE'] = '5';

google.friendconnect.container.setParentUrl('/' /* location of rpc_relay.html and canvas.html */);


{ id: 'div-YYYYYYYY',






Figured this out using this guide. Results can be viewed on my comment wall.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

A script for adding multiple twitter follows....

@magitam had an interesting problem and I had an itch to try out the python-twitter API.

follow.py is the result.

Usage: ./follow.py <twitter username> <twitter password> <filename.csv>")

Copy the code above and save it using notepad as follow.py

You will need a python interpreter and the python-twitter API to run it. Tested on Linux but should run anywhere.

The input file can be either:






Disclaimer: I will not take responsibility for loss of life, revenue, sex drive, property or any negative consequence suffered as a result of using the above code.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Synch your phone (Nokia, SE, Other) with itunes

I'm not going to bother copying the guide, it's pretty well documented here.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

New features on noknok

MTN's instant messaging platform noknok has been updated.

New features:

  1. Available to Vodacom, Cell C, Virgin Mobile users (Anyone in South Africa).

  2. Google Talk Integration (Add Google Talk users).

  3. Advertisement banners

  4. Support for services, e.g. News feeds, Twitter, AI bots.

A huge step in the right direction, but not quite there yet.

Easiest way to download, visit http://im.mtn.co.za/download

Best client, PC client, available at www.noknok.co.za

Thursday, November 13, 2008

wheres the page-down and page-up on the Nokia e90????

One of the things I hate about my Nokia e90 is the fact that it supports emails but it doesn't have the ability to page down or up through a list of emails :( or through a long email.

Obvious shortcomings...

I've decided to create a new category for posts which I intend to write concerning things that "would be perfect if only..." the designers took into account the obvious.

My next post will illustrate by way of example what I mean...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Path Found To Antibiotics In Dirt(Sand)

This article in Science Daily mentions the presence of Anti-biotics in soil, which reminded me of a Hadith I read which stated that the Sahaaba used to injest a pinch of soil (taking Allah's name ofcourse) when they were ill. Not that there needed to be antibiotics properties there in the 1st place for Allah to cure them, but the very fact that there is could have been just because of their duah / faith in Allah.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

MTN subs have fax 2 email (not advertised)

Just figured that as an MTN sub, I have fax-to-email and didn't even know.

If you visit the MTN website imail page you can configure your email details.

Then, if anyone sends a fax to 08314(+last nine digits of your MTN cell number) you will receive the fax as an email!

Wish they'd advertise these things.

Friday, October 24, 2008

GSM Network codes (call barring etc.)

I needed to turn off incoming calls while roaming and had to search around to find these. Thought Id post them here for future reference and to make your life easier. The code I used to turn of all incoming calls while roaming was:

*351*0000*11# (In country), or

351*0000*10# (out of country)


Deactivate call diverts##002#@
Deactivate all conditional diverts##004#@
Activate all conditional diverts **004*DestinationNumber#@

@ = Send/OK button on your mobile phone


ActionHash Codes
Deactivate automatically divert all calls to Destination Number##21#@
Deactivate automatically divert all calls to Destination Number#21#@
Set and Activate divert all calls to **21*DestinationNumber#@
Activate divert all calls*21#@
Status of automatically divert all calls to Destination Number*#21#@

@ = Send/OK button on your mobile phone


Activate and Set call divertion when not answered**61*DestinationNumber#@
Deactivate and turn off call divert when not answered##61#
Deactivate call divert#61#@
Activate call divertion*61#@

@ = Send/OK button on your mobile phone


Set and Activate divert all calls to **21*DestinationNumber#@
Activate divert all calls*21#@
Deactivate divert all calls#21#@
Status of automatically divert all calls to Destination Number*#21#@

@ = Send/OK button on your mobile phone


Activate call divert when not reachable**62*DestinationNumber#@
Activate call divert*62#@
Deactivate and turn off call divert if unreachable##62#@
Deactivate call divert#62#@
Status of call divert if not reachable*#62#@

@ = Send/OK button on your mobile phone


Activate call divert when busy (engaged on another call)**67*DestinationNumber#@
Activate call divert when busy*67#@
Deactivate call divert when busy##67#@
Deactivate call divert when busy#67#@
Status of call divert when busy*#67#@


Change password for call barring**03*330*oldPW*newPW*newPW#@
Activate barring for all outgoing calls**33*PW#@
Deactivate barring for all out going calls#33*PW#@
Statusbarring for all out going calls*#33#@

@ = Send/OK button on your mobile phone


Activate barring for all calls**330*PW#@
Deactivate barring for all calls#330*PW#@
Statusbaring for all calls*#330*PW#@

@ = Send/OK button on your mobile phone


Activate barring for all outgoing international calls**331*PW#@
Deactivate barring for all outgoing international calls#331*PW#@
Statusbarring all outgoing international calls*#331#@


Activate barring all outgoing calls**333*PW#@
Deactivate barring all outgoing calls#333*PW#@
Statusbarring all outgoing calls*#333#@


Activate barring all incoming calls**35*PW#@ or **353*PW#@
Deactivate barring all incoming calls#35*PW#@ or **353*PW#@
Statusbarring all incoming calls*#35#@ or *#353#@


Activate barring all incoming calls if abroad**351*PW#@
Deactivate barring all incoming calls if abroad#351*PW#@
Statusbarring all incoming calls if abroad*#351#@


Activate call waiting*43#@
Deactivate call waiting#43##@
Statuscall waiting*#43#@


If your mobile's voicemail number is, for example:

....and you want your phone to divert to your voicemail after say 20 seconds, then type:


The time can be up to 30secs (network default)

Set number of rings**61*YourVoiceMailNumber**N#@
Cancel previous Setting entered##61#@

N =Ring Time (up to 30sec)

@ = Send/OK button on your mobile phone


@ = Send/OK button on your mobile phone

Disable your phone number being sent#30#DestinationNumber@
Enable your phone number being sent*30#DestinationNumner@
Status of your phone number being sent*#30#


@ = Send/OK button on your mobile phone

Disable incoming number being shown on your phone*77#
Enable incoming number being shown on your phone#77#@
Status of whether calling parties number is shown on your phone*#77#@




Unblock PIN 1**05*PUK*newPIN1*newPIN1#@


Display IMEI Number*#06#

Source Code for masaajid map...

Though I'd share the code for those interested in how I did the masaajid maps:
<gm:page title="Masaajid in South Africa" authenticate="false" onload="kmlPE()" gadget="true">
The mashup application demonstrates taking a Google Earth KML file and mapping it on a Google Map.
@author: GME Team & Valery Hronusov
<h2>Masaajid in South Africa</h2>
<!-- Map definition -->
<gm:map id="map" height="600px" width="800px"
lat="-28.7500" lng="24.7700" zoom="5" maptypes="true"/>
function kmlPE()
var myMap = google.mashups.getObjectById('map').getMap();
var geoXml = new GGeoXml("http://yusufk.googlepages.com/masjids.kml");

The above code can be easily pasted/ test using the Google mashup editor.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Run Mac OS X on a PC - I must try this!

This article has a step-by-step howto for setting up Mac OS X on a PC, will give it a tr when I have some time. Involves some BIOS fiddling so not for the feint hearted I guess.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How to add a News Bar onto your wordpress blog..

Thought I'd share how I managed to get the Google Ajax News Bar you hopefully see at the top of the page...

1stly, visit this site to obtain the necessary code..

Then, open you WP-ADMIN page and cick on Design -- Theme Editor

Click on the Header template.

Once loaded, insert the following lines from the Ajax code (cut from the generated code) right at the bottom of the header file (below the <hr /> tag):

        <div id="newsBar-bar">

               <span style="color:#676767;font-size:11px;margin:10px;padding:4px;">Loading...</span>


And insert the other stuff just before the </head> tag:

 <script src="http://www.google.com/uds/api?file=uds.js&v=1.0&source=uds-nbw"
<style type="text/css">
@import url("http://www.google.com/uds/css/gsearch.css");

<!-- News Bar Code and Stylesheet -->
<script type="text/javascript">
window._uds_nbw_donotrepair = true;
<script src="http://www.google.com/uds/solutions/newsbar/gsnewsbar.js?mode=new"
<style type="text/css">
@import url("http://www.google.com/uds/solutions/newsbar/gsnewsbar.css");

<script type="text/javascript">
function LoadNewsBar() {
var newsBar;
var options = {
largeResultSet : false,
title : "In the news",
horizontal : true,
autoExecuteList : {
executeList : ["Islam", "mobile", "science", "universe", "recipes"]

newsBar = new GSnewsBar(document.getElementById("newsBar-bar"), options);
// arrange for this function to be called during body.onload
// event processing

Click on Update and its done!

p.s. It takes a few seconds to load the bar, depending on your bandwidth, you should see the word "loading..." as a placeholder.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Review of the new Android (google) phone

In depth review can be found here but the video sums it up nicely:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Solution to SA crime, buy a gun?

I've been having this debate with family, friends and colleagues; Should we just buy guns and fight back against criminals?

The majority of people respond by saying that some or other stats show that most gun owners end up hurting themselves or end up being shot with the same gun. Where can I find these statistics?

As a Muslim, the Quraan makes it clear that we are meant to "enjoin good and forbid evil":
The Noble Qur'an - Al-Tauba 9:71
The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practise regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise.

Are we forbidding evil by standing back and allowing thieves to take what they want?

Friday, October 10, 2008

New Blog!

I've been paying for hosting I've never used, so thought I'd give Wordpress a try, turns out it's pretty cool and easy to use, so I think I might move this blog over there. Give it a shot: http://www.yusufk.za.net/blog/

Monday, September 29, 2008

Of course we live in a special place! Bye bye dark matter.

One of the theories that I was never to comfortable with is that of Dark Matter.

This article in Science daily has helped me make up my mind and now I am leaning towards being against the theory. Reason: We live in a special place.

Many things in nature demonstrate the words of the Quraan and Hadeeth wherein it is said that we are the best of creation. And everything we see around us is created for us as signs to the existance of Allah, if only we take the time to look.

Scientests have discovered that there are very few planets out there that can possibly support life. The ratio of water, oxygen, climate, etc. are all factors that are just perfect on earth.

There aren't many solar systems with planets circling in an almost circular orbit.

Then there are less obvious signs, like the relative size of and distance to the Sun and the Moon from the earth making both appear as if they're the same size.

Yes ofcourse we live in a very special place, and I therefore would not be surprised if the density of our area of space is just right to create this special environment. In fact, I would expect it to be unique. 

Of course we live in a special place! Bye bye dark matter.

One of the theories that I was never to comfortable with is that of Dark Matter.

This article in Science daily has helped me make up my mind and now I am leaning towards being against the theory. Reason: We live in a special place.

Many things in nature demonstrate the words of the Quraan and Hadeeth wherein it is said that we are the best of creation. And everything we see around us is created for us as signs to the existance of Allah, if only we take the time to look.

Scientests have discovered that there are very few planets out there that can possibly support life. The ratio of water, oxygen, climate, etc. are all factors that are just perfect on earth.

There aren't many solar systems with planets circling in an almost circular orbit.

Then there are less obvious signs, like the relative size of and distance to the Sun and the Moon from the earth making both appear as if they're the same size.

Yes ofcourse we live in a very special place, and I therefore would not be surprised if the density of our area of space is just right to create this special environment. In fact, I would expect it to be unique. 

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The beginning of the Universe

An interesting presentation on time and entropy, these two slides caught my attention:

The words "Our initial conditions were finely tuned, even un-natural, nobody knows why" specifically caught my attention. Many religious people do not like the word evolution because of the links to atheism and atheists. However, I've always had the view that if one defines a process or equation and then perhaps more importantly, sets the right preconditions to the process or equation, then one is responsible for whatever evolves to anything within the process. 

In english, if kneading and baking is my process and the measured ingredients flour, water and yeast are my preconditions, then I am the creator of the bread that the dough eventually evolves into.

So, to the presenter, at least someone does presume to have an idea why.

And it is not all the Big Bangs fault, its the One that sets determined the equations of life and the important preconditions, our Creator, Allah.

The beginning of the Universe

An interesting presentation on time and entropy, these two slides caught my attention:

The words "Our initial conditions were finely tuned, even un-natural, nobody knows why" specifically caught my attention. Many religious people do not like the word evolution because of the links to atheism and atheists. However, I've always had the view that if one defines a process or equation and then perhaps more importantly, sets the right preconditions to the process or equation, then one is responsible for whatever evolves to anything within the process. 

In english, if kneading and baking is my process and the measured ingredients flour, water and yeast are my preconditions, then I am the creator of the bread that the dough eventually evolves into.

So, to the presenter, at least someone does presume to have an idea why.

And it is not all the Big Bangs fault, its the One that sets determined the equations of life and the important preconditions, our Creator, Allah.

The Independent: Robert Fisk: Six years in Guantanamo

A friend (yusufk@mailbox.co.za) has sent you an article:

Robert Fisk: Six years in Guantanamo

Thursday, 25 September 2008


Sami al-Haj walks with pain on his steel crutch; almost six years in the nightmare of Guantanamo have taken their toll on the Al Jazeera journalist and, now in the safety of a hotel in the small Norwegian town of Lillehammer, he is a figure of both dignity and shame. The Americans told him they were sorry when they eventually freed him this year ? after the beatings he says he suffered, and the force-feeding, the humiliations and interrogations by British, American and Canadian intelligence officers ? and now he hopes one day he'll be able to walk without his stick.

The Independent: Robert Fisk: Six years in Guantanamo

A friend (yusufk@mailbox.co.za) has sent you an article:

Robert Fisk: Six years in Guantanamo

Thursday, 25 September 2008


Sami al-Haj walks with pain on his steel crutch; almost six years in the nightmare of Guantanamo have taken their toll on the Al Jazeera journalist and, now in the safety of a hotel in the small Norwegian town of Lillehammer, he is a figure of both dignity and shame. The Americans told him they were sorry when they eventually freed him this year ? after the beatings he says he suffered, and the force-feeding, the humiliations and interrogations by British, American and Canadian intelligence officers ? and now he hopes one day he'll be able to walk without his stick.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Prophet Yunus (Jonah's) prayer, from inside the whale!

One of the prayers that have helped me along my way:

Three layers of darkness enveloped him, one above the other; the darkness of the whale's stomach, the darkness of the bottom of the sea, the darkness of the night. Yunus imaged himself to be dead, but his senses became alert when he found he could move. He knew that he was alive and imprisoned in the midst of three layers of darkness. His heart was moved by remembering Allah. His tongue released soon after saying: 
La ilaha illa Anta (none has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah), Glorified (and Exalted) be You (above all that evil they associate with You), Truly, I have been of the wrong doers." (21:87 Quran)

Prophet Yunus (Jonah's) prayer, from inside the whale!

One of the prayers that have helped me along my way:

Three layers of darkness enveloped him, one above the other; the darkness of the whale's stomach, the darkness of the bottom of the sea, the darkness of the night. Yunus imaged himself to be dead, but his senses became alert when he found he could move. He knew that he was alive and imprisoned in the midst of three layers of darkness. His heart was moved by remembering Allah. His tongue released soon after saying: 
La ilaha illa Anta (none has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah), Glorified (and Exalted) be You (above all that evil they associate with You), Truly, I have been of the wrong doers." (21:87 Quran)

Monday, September 08, 2008

Zapiro does it again...

Interview with Zapiro:

Zapiro does it again...

Interview with Zapiro:

Friday, September 05, 2008

Recipe: Julie (mums) Chicken Pie

Cook meat in lemon , salt ,pepper and mustard. Break into small shreds. Make mash of 1 big potato.

Mix meat & mash , add about 1 tblspn chow chow or picallilly.

Layer both bottom of squared tin with half of dough. Spread with tomatoe sauce &mustard sauce. Than add meat filling and sliced boiled egg (egg optional). Lastly add grated cheese. Put second half of rolled out dough over. Make holes with fork, smear beaten egg and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Bake for 30- 45 min @ 180……….( dough from Indian delights- Mince in scones)"

Recipe: Julie (mums) Macaroni Salad


1 pkt noodles (elbow, straight, or screws) , boil & cool ( salt)
¾ pkt mixed frozen veggies
¼ kg white meat cooked in salt, lemon pepper and mustard powder. shred into small pieces .

When cool mix all together in large dish.

1 bottle mayonnaise
1 heaped spoon crushed garlic
½ green pepper cubed
Salt to taste +/- 1 tspn
Dash of pepper
Dash fresh ground pepper
1 tblspn sugar
spring onions
½ cup oil

mix sauce thoroughly than add to other ingredients. Refrigerate.

Recipe: Julie (mums) custard slice


2 cups flour
2cups b/p
Pinch of salt
½ cup milk
¼ cup sugar
2 oz butter (60g)
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence

Cream butter-sugar method.
Than roll 5-6 flat round cakes.
Bake in oven.

1L milk 4 tblspn (level) custard sugar + condensed milk.

Recipe: Julie (mums) Chicken Pie

Cook meat in lemon , salt ,pepper and mustard. Break into small shreds. Make mash of 1 big potato.

Mix meat & mash , add about 1 tblspn chow chow or picallilly.

Layer both bottom of squared tin with half of dough. Spread with tomatoe sauce &mustard sauce. Than add meat filling and sliced boiled egg (egg optional). Lastly add grated cheese. Put second half of rolled out dough over. Make holes with fork, smear beaten egg and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Bake for 30- 45 min @ 180……….( dough from Indian delights- Mince in scones)"

Recipe: Julie (mums) Macaroni Salad


1 pkt noodles (elbow, straight, or screws) , boil & cool ( salt)
¾ pkt mixed frozen veggies
¼ kg white meat cooked in salt, lemon pepper and mustard powder. shred into small pieces .

When cool mix all together in large dish.

1 bottle mayonnaise
1 heaped spoon crushed garlic
½ green pepper cubed
Salt to taste +/- 1 tspn
Dash of pepper
Dash fresh ground pepper
1 tblspn sugar
spring onions
½ cup oil

mix sauce thoroughly than add to other ingredients. Refrigerate.

Recipe: Julie (mums) custard slice


2 cups flour
2cups b/p
Pinch of salt
½ cup milk
¼ cup sugar
2 oz butter (60g)
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence

Cream butter-sugar method.
Than roll 5-6 flat round cakes.
Bake in oven.

1L milk 4 tblspn (level) custard sugar + condensed milk.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why are there no 3G modems with video call support???

It seems like an obvious feature of a 3G modem, yet I can't find any support for video calls on 3G modems. It should be as easy as AT DV to initiate a video call but it isn't. No wonder 3G is not being utilized, some of the obvious use cases seem to have been ignored.

Or maybe I'm just not Googling properly....

Why are there no 3G modems with video call support???

It seems like an obvious feature of a 3G modem, yet I can't find any support for video calls on 3G modems. It should be as easy as AT DV to initiate a video call but it isn't. No wonder 3G is not being utilized, some of the obvious use cases seem to have been ignored.

Or maybe I'm just not Googling properly....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How to send a voicemail / voice mms with one simple call on MTN..

Prerequisite: In order to send the voice MMS, the person you're sending the message to must be registered for the not so well known or advertised imail.

Next, dial the following number appending the last 9 digits of your friends number: 08314
For example, if your friends number is 0831234567 then dial 08314831234567

Leave a message and he/she should get either a voice MMS (if registered on imail) or a voicemail notification.

How to send a voicemail / voice mms with one simple call on MTN..

Prerequisite: In order to send the voice MMS, the person you're sending the message to must be registered for the not so well known or advertised imail.

Next, dial the following number appending the last 9 digits of your friends number: 08314
For example, if your friends number is 0831234567 then dial 08314831234567

Leave a message and he/she should get either a voice MMS (if registered on imail) or a voicemail notification.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

launching browser - Developer Discussion Boards

launching browser - Developer Discussion Boards: "public class Launcher extends MIDlet {
Alert alert;
public void startApp() {
boolean b;
try {
catch (ConnectionNotFoundException ex)



public void pauseApp() {

public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {