Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Quraan for Nokia handsets

Nokia have made available a Quraan for some of their devices on their site.
With the Quran application you can:

  • Read the Holy Quran in digitised Othmany font, included with the application.

  • Listen to a well-known narrator read the whole Quran or just the sections you select.

  • Find a Verse or Sura by entering the number, choosing from the menu or by
    searching the entire Quran for a word or phrase.

  • Save your current position using the bookmark option or set the application to open
    at the same place automatically.

  • Select the language you prefer from Arabic, English, French and Urdu.

Other cool apps like the Islamic Organizer that originally came with my e90 have disappeared so I've decided to host copies of some of the install files for your and my convenience:

e90 zip

n95 8Gb zip

n73 zip

e51 zip

Quaraan Audio zip


Unzip and copy / install.

Audio file instructions:

  • Step 1: Download the Quran Audio Zip file and extract it to your PC, the following
    folder structure will be created private200044bcQuraansound2 including all the MP3

  • Step 2: Connect your compatible Nokia device in Mass Storage mode to you PC.

  • Step 3: Copy the whole extracted folder to your memory card under private200044bcQuraansound2.

  • Start the Quran application and listen to the Quran narrated by Sheikh Ali Al Hudhaifi.

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