Friday, March 02, 2012

The plot thickens...

The plot thickens...

Reshared post from +Odin Rapscallion
Seriously what the hell is wrong with Merikans sticking their fucking noses in someone elses business because of their own political shit-holes they find themselves in.

It is business. Finish and klaar. Plus this pull out will mean a huge financial loss for a shit-load of poor black people in this country whose life savings are plowed into a special purpose investment vehicle in MTN.

So dear Mark Wallace this is not the US, and neither is Iran: Go fuck yourself or pay in the cash you half-witted troglodyte activist. Maybe all companies should pull out of the US seeing that US spies on its own citizens etc as well, pisses on human rights and invaded enough countries to make Iran look like a bunch of peace loving tree huggers.

No "your freedom is not hated" , it is your bullshit attitude and self-centred bullying.

Embedded Link

U.S. Lobby Group Seeks MTN Pullout From Iran
South Africa's flagship telecommunications company MTN Group said Friday that it won't pull out of Iran after it became the target of an influential U.S. lobby group seeking the exit of foreign busin...

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