Friday, March 02, 2012

TED 2012 Favorites: Robots that fly...and cooperate

Reshared post from +Tim O'Reilly
TED 2012 Favorites: Robots that fly...and cooperate

I found this TED talk to be impressive not only in terms of the technology being demonstrated (amazing "news from the future") but also as a masterpiece of teaching. Vijay Kumar doesn't just give a stunning demo of his cooperative flying robots, but also explains how they work. It's a masterpiece of teaching. This is a model TED talk.

As more of the videos from this year's TED go up, I will share the talks that I found most compelling.

Embedded Link

Vijay Kumar: Robots that fly ... and cooperate | Video on
TED Talks In his lab at Penn, Vijay Kumar and his team build flying quadrotors, small, agile robots that swarm, sense each other, and form ad hoc teams -- for construction, surveying disasters and far...

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1 comment:

Andre Truter said...

Watched this today, really interesting!!