Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The new Dr Evil

First there was Dr Evil and Mini Me ....

And now the new ....

Posted via email from yusufk's posterous

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

My favourite machine

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Posted via email from yusufk's posterous

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

iPhone 3G MMS settings for MTN South Africa

Required: OS 3.0 and above (verified on OS 3.12)

Installing MTN MMS Settings

  • Go to “settings”

  • Go to “general"

  • Go to “network”

  • Go to “cellular data network”

Under the MMS section enter the following information:

  • APN : internet

  • Username: mtnmms

  • Password: mtnmms

  • MMSC:

  • MMS Proxy:

Restart the phone and you’re good to go!

In case your Internet settings are blank, you can try the following:

  • APN: myMTN

  • Usnername: mtnwap

  • Password: mtnwap

p.s. Don’t expect there to be an MMS icon or app, its simply integrated into messaging. The only difference is that you can now attach Pictures.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Installing eJabberd on Solaris 10

1stly, a disclaimer: This is not meant to be a tutorial, even though I've catrgorised this as a "HowTo". It's merely a record of how I managed to get eJabberd running on my Solaris 10 machines (Note - important for later: saying this before I've actually got it working)

What I have:

  • 1. Sun T5120

  • 2. Solaris 10

  • 3. Erlang R12B-5

Other Ingredients:

  • 1. eJabberd source

  • 2. Missing Gnu Packages


These are some of the other packages I needed to get:

  1. Gnu Install

  2. Gnu Make

  3. libiconv

  4. Expat

  5. OpenSSL

Installed them by 1st unpacking:
gunzip coreutils-6.4-sol10-sparc-local.gz
and then:
pkgadd -d coreutils-6.4-sol10-sparc-local
(as su)

Next download ejabberd-2.1.0_rc2.tar.gz

Unpack into a source folder:
gunzip ejabberd-2.1.0_rc2.tar.gz
tar -xvf ejabberd-2.1.0_rc2.tar

Then, in the ejabberd-2.1.0_rc2 folder, go to src directory, after having a quick peak at README

This is the vital bit, set your path to include the following:
export PATH=$PATH/usr/local/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/ucb:/etc:/usr/local/erlang/R12B-5/bin:

At this point, I tried:
which worked, followed by a:
make install
which failed horribly.

To fix this, I had to edit the main and nested Makefiles:
ERLANG_CFLAGS= -I/usr/local/erlang/R12B-5/lib/erlang/lib/erl_interface-3.5.9/include -I/usr/local/erlang/R12B-5/lib/erlang/usr/include

Also had to change ejabberd_s2s_in.erl as follows:


Thereafter make install worked.

Next edit /sbin/ejabberdctl and change the 1st line to:
so that it uses the correct shell.

And voila!


Discovered a problem, which prevented my server from establishing server to server connections, kept getting " ejabberd remote server not found" .

This article helped solve the bug, which involved commenting out line 275 of ejabberd_s2s_out.erl, before doing a make. All is fine again now.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Google Launches Google TV - Sponsored series and Movies

After watching 5 minutes of a pathetically produced news bulletin on SABC 3 the other day, I allowed my mind to drift away into a possible future where we could get quality free broadcasting. The headline that came to mind is the title of this blog post. No, they haven't launched Google TV, yet, but it would be awesome if they did. I think it would be relatively easily done using what they already have, Youtube, Google Video etc. All that would be required is licensing agreements with producers and broadcasters and some creative thinking on how to insert ads.

Its wishful thinking, but its a win-win waiting to happen and Google hasn't let many of those slip by in the past!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Force an update of your Nokia E90 Firmware

While browsing the Nokia site under the Software and Support section for the E90 I noticed:

Nokia E90 Communicator software version released.”

So I downloaded the software updater and checked for an update. I was disappointed to see that although my phone was on version 300.34.84, there was no update available. So I decided to scratch around a little more and I found that the issue was that the problem was that the product code for my E90 was “0550676”. This is the South African, Mocca variant. The update will probably not be listed until the South African operator that owned the variant tests the latest firmware and verify that all is ok.

I’m not very patient and decided to test it myself. It turns out, it is possible to change the product code of your device using a software tool called Nemesis Service Suite (NSS)

WARNING!!! -  Proceed at your own risk!

Certain product codes also mean differences in physical hardware and using the wrong firmware-hardware combination can spell doom for your device!

Instructions (modified from


  1. Backup your phone using the Backup tool on Nokia PC Suite.

  2. Download and install NSS from Nemesis Service Suite (NSS)

  3. Use the default settings when prompted during install.

  4. Once installed, close Nokia Application Updater and Nokia PC Suite and run NSS.

  5. Ensure your E90 USB mode is set to 'PC Suite' and connect your E90 to your PC via the USB cable.

  6. Run the NSS application. When it loads, click on the Scan for new device icon (far right on the toolbar). This should connect to the phone.

  7. Click on the Phone Info tab in NSS.

  8. Now click on the button which says Scan (under Actions)

  9. Once the phone has been found, click on the Read button in the Production Data Edit box. The various fields should be filled in automatically.

  10. Click on Enable to the right of the the Product Code field.

  11. Select a valid code from the list below. I used 0550013.

  12. Enter this code into the Product Code field, tick the box, then click on Write.

  13. You can now run the standard Nokia software update program and it should now offer you the new update. (Point of no return)


Phone Model Model Number & Description Product Code
E90-1 RA-6 EURO A Red 0514979
E90-1 RA-6 Light SWAP APAC 0515607
E90-1 RA-6 Light SWAP Philippines 0515610
E90-1 RA-6 APAC E RED 0515907
E90-1 RA-5 CUST. TRX EURO A EUR 0523234
E90-1 RA-6 EURO A Mocca 0533332
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F1 Mocca South Africa 0544294
E90-1 RA-6 EURO B Mocca 0544295
E90-1 RA-6 EURO D Mocca 0544297
E90-1 RA-6 EURO E Mocca 0544351
E90-1 RA-6 EURO E Mocca ALS ON 0544353
E90-1 RA-6 EURO G Mocca French 0544354
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F Mocca ALS ON 0544355
E90-1 RA-6 EURO H Mocca 0544356
E90-1 RA-6 EURO H1 MOCCA 0544357
E90-1 RA-6 EURO I MOCCA 0544380
E90-1 RA-6 EURO K MOCCA 0544383
E90-1 RA-6 EURO M MOCCA 0544384
E90-1 RA-6 EURO N Russian MOCCA 0544388
E90-1 RA-6 EURO N Ukraine MOCCA 0544393
E90-1 RA-6 EURO N Moldova/Belarus MOCCA 0544400
E90-1 RA-6 EURO N1 MOCCA 0544402
E90-1 RA-6 EURO O MOCCA 0544403
E90-1 RA-6 EURO S MOCCA 0544405
E90-1 RA-6 EURO P MOCCA 0544406
E90-1 RA-6 APAC C MOCCA HongKong 0544472
E90-1 RA-6 APAC D MOCCA Singapore 0544485
E90-1 RA-6 APAC D MOCCA Indonesia 0544486
E90-1 RA-6 APAC E MOCCA Australia, NZ 0544487
E90-1 RA-6 APAC E MOCCA 0544489
E90-1 RA-6 APAC E MOCCA India 0544491
E90-1 RA-6 APAC F MOCCA Thai 0544496
E90-1 RA-6 Light SWAP EU-General 0545219
E90-1 RA-6 EURO C Mocca 0545807
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F1 Red South Africa 0545983
E90-1 RA-6 EURO B RED 0545986
E90-1 RA-6 EURO C RED 0545988
E90-1 RA-6 EURO E RED 0545990
E90-1 RA-6 EURO G RED 0545991
E90-1 RA-6 EURO H1 RED 0545993
E90-1 RA-6 EURO N RED 0545995
E90-1 RA-6 EURO O RED 0545997
E90-1 RA-6 EURO P RED 0545999
E90-1 RA-6 EURO P1 RED 0546000
E90-1 RA-6 APAC E RED India 0546002
E90-1 RA-6 APAC D RED 0546003
E90-1 RA-6 APAC D RED Indonesia 0546004
E90-1 RA-6 EURO P1 MOCCA 0546119
E90-1 RA-6 APAC G MOCCA 0546372
E90-1 RA-6 EURO L Mocca 0546435
E90-1 RA-6 EURO Q Mocca 0546436
E90-1 RA-6 EURO R Mocca 0546437
E90-1 RA-6 EURO D Red 0546493
E90-1 RA-6 EURO J Mocca 0546526
E90-1 RA-6 EURO J1 Mocca 0546527
E90-1 RA-6 EURO A Mocca SWAP 0548238
E90-1 RA-6 EURO E Mocca SWAP 0548246
E90-1 RA-6 EURO G Mocca French SWAP 0548248
E90-1 RA-6 EURO H Mocca SWAP 0548250
E90-1 RA-6 EURO H1 MOCCA SWAP 0548251
E90-1 RA-6 EURO I MOCCA SWAP 0548253
E90-1 RA-6 EURO J Mocca SWAP 0548256
E90-1 RA-6 EURO J1 Mocca SWAP 0548257
E90-1 RA-6 EURO K MOCCA SWAP 0548258
E90-1 RA-6 EURO L Mocca SWAP 0548259
E90-1 RA-6 EURO M MOCCA SWAP 0548260
E90-1 RA-6 EURO N Russian MOCCA SWAP 0548261
E90-1 RA-6 EURO N Ukraine MOCCA SWAP 0548262
E90-1 RA-6 EURO O MOCCA SWAP 0548263
E90-1 RA-6 EURO S MOCCA SWAP 0548264
E90-1 RA-6 EURO P MOCCA SWAP 0548266
E90-1 RA-6 EURO A Red SWAP 0548268
E90-1 RA-6 EURO B RED SWAP 0548269
E90-1 RA-6 EURO E RED SWAP 0548270
E90-1 RA-6 EURO G RED SWAP 0548271
E90-1 RA-6 EURO N RED SWAP 0548272
E90-1 RA-6 EURO H1 RED SWAP 0548273
E90-1 RA-6 EURO O RED SWAP 0548274
E90-1 RA-6 EURO P RED SWAP 0548275
E90-1 RA-6 EURO B Mocca SWAP 0548290
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F1 Mocca 0548314
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F2 Mocca French 0548316
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F1 Red 0548318
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F2 RED 0548321
E90-1 RA-6 EURO H Red 0548578
E90-1 RA-6 EURO H Red SWAP 0548817
E90-1 RA-6 EURO N1 Red 0549441
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F1 SWAP Mocca South Africa 0550013
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F1 SWAP Red South Africa 0550014
E90-1 RA-6 EURO J Red 0550193
E90-1 RA-6 CV CZ Mocca 0550303
E90-1 RA-6 CV CZ Red 0550304
E90-1 RA-6 South Africa Country Variant Mocca 0550676
E90-1 RA-6 Switzerland Country Variant Mocca 0550677
E90-1 RA-6 Globe Operator Variant Mocca 0550771
E90-1 RA-6 Smart Operator Variant Mocca 0550773
E90-1 RA-6 Smart Operator Variant Red 0550776
E90-1 RA-6 Globe Operator Variant Red 0550778
E90-1 RA-6 APAC G RED 0550811
E90-1 RA-6 Light SWAP Taiwan 0550843
E90-1 RA-6 APAC E RED Australia & NZ 0551005
E90-1 RA-6 APAC F RED 0551006
E90-1 RA-6 Vodafone Global Mocca 0551392
E90-1 RA-6 T-Mobile Global Mocca 0551433
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Swisscom Mocca 0551773
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Elisa Finland Mocca 0551805
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Elisa Finland Red 0551807
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Sonera SurfPort 4.0 SimL Mocca 0551867
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Sonera SurfPort 4.0 SimL Red 0551868
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodacom Mocca 0551870
E90-1 RA-6 CTR T-Mobile CZ Mocca 0551919
E90-1 RA-6 CTR T-Mobile CZ Red 0551920
E90-1 RA-6 CTR T-Mobile SK Mocca 0551921
E90-1 RA-6 CTR T-Mobile GV Austria Mocca 0551947
E90-1 RA-6 EURO G RED Native FRANCE 0552044
E90-1 RA-6 EURO G Mocca Native FRANCE 0552045
E90-1 RA-6 EURO L Red 0552046
E90-1 RA-6 CTR 3IT Mocca 0552159
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodafone Greece Mocca 0552258
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodafone CZ Mocca 0552389
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodafone Hungary Mocca 0552391
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Pannon Hungary Mocca 0552392
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodafone UK Mocca 0552396
E90-1 RA-6 CTR UK country variant Mocca 0552464
E90-1 RA-6 CTR T-Mobile DE Mocca 0552540
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Australian Country Variant Mocc 0552625
E90-1 RA-6 CTR E-Plus Mocca 0552633
E90-1 RA-6 EURO J1 Red 0552742
E90-1 RA-6 EURO Q Red 0552919
E90-1 RA-6 EURO R Red 0552920
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodafone PT Mocca 0553021
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodafone Germany Mocca 0553173
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Telenor SE Mocca 0553188
E90-1 RA-6 CTR T-Mobile Hungary Mocca 0553273
E90-1 RA-6 CTR ERA Mocca 0553341
E90-1 RA-6 CTR O2 UK Mocca 0553342
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodafone New Zealand Mocca 0553345
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F RED ALS ON 0553614
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Russia Country Variant Mocca 0553827
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Russia Country Variant Red 0553828
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Ukraine Country Variant Mocca 0553829
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Belarus-Moldova CV Mocca 0553830
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Mobilkom Mocca 0553834
E90-1 RA-6 CTR movistar Mocca 0553841
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Swisscom FR Mocca 0553934
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Switzerland CV FR Mocca 0553935
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Switzerland CV FR Red 0553936
E90-1 RA-6 CTR H3G Austria Mocca 0553959
E90-1 RA-6 CTR TIM Italy Mocca 0553973
E90-1 RA-6 CTR O2 DE Mocca 0554006
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Movistar Venezuela Mocca 0554040
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodafone Romania Mocca 0554387
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Mobitel Si Mocca 0554455
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodafone Spain Mocca 0554456
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodafone NL Mocca 0554499
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Switzerland CV DE Red 0554527
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Telenor Norway Mocca 0554676
E90-1 RA-6 CTR ONE Mocca 0555423
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Ukraine Country Variant Red 0555469
E90-1 RA-6 EURO E RED ALS ON 0555475
E90-1 RA-6 CTR T-Mobile GV Croatia Mocca 0555558
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Sonofon RED 0555561
E90-1 RA-6 CTR CIS Country Variant Mocca 0555562
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Sonofon Mocca 0555661
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Vodafone Ireland Mocca 0555921
E90-1 RA-6 VIPnet VF live! Business GV Croatia 0555961
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Germany Country Variant 0556252
E90-1 RA-6 CTR T-Mobile Hungary Red 0556892
E90-1 RA-6 CTR PLAY MOCCA 0556904
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Croatia CV Mocca 0557554
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Croatia CV Red 0557564
E90-1 RA-6 Light SWAP APAC 2 0557600
E90-1 RA-6 Light SWAP Philippines 2 0557601
E90-1 RA-6 Light SWAP EU-General 2 0557602
E90-1 RA-6 CTR MegaSync Mocca 0558068
E90-1 RA-6 CTR TMN Mocca 0558688
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Telefonica O2 CZ Mocca 0559197
E90-1 RA-6 CTR 3IT RED 0559503
E90-1 RA-6 EURO B Black 0561335
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Polkomtel MOCCA 0561604
E90-1 RA-6 EURO M Red 0561983
E90-1 RA-6 APAC D BLACK 0562297
E90-1 RA-6 APAC D BLACK Indonesia 0562298
E90-1 RA-6 APAC G BLACK 0562299
E90-1 RA-6 APAC E BLACK Australia 0562300
E90-1 RA-6 APAC E BLACK Philippines 0562301
E90-1 RA-6 APAC E BLACK 0562303
E90-1 RA-6 APAC F BLACK Thai 0562304
E90-1 RA-6 EURO A BLACK 0562331
E90-1 RA-6 EURO I Red 0562633
E90-1 RA-6 EURO P BLACK 0562934
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Globe BLACK 0563096
E90-1 RA-6 CTR Smart Operator Variant BLACK 0563099
E90-1 RA-6 EURO E BLACK ALS 0563420
E90-1 RA-6 EURO N BLACK Russian 0563421
E90-1 RA-6 APAC E MOCCA Bangladesh 0564090
E90-1 RA-6 APAC E RED Bangladesh 0564091
E90-1 RA-6 EURO C Black 0564681
E90-1 RA-6 EURO E BLACK 0564683
E90-1 RA-6 EURO G BLACK Native FRANCE 0564684
E90-1 RA-6 EURO G BLACK FRANCE 0564686
E90-1 RA-6 EURO H Black 0564687
E90-1 RA-6 EURO H1 Black 0564688
E90-1 RA-6 EURO M Black 0564689
E90-1 RA-6 EURO O Black 0564690
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F1 BLACK South-Africa 0564742
E90-1 RA-6 EURO I BLACK 0564743
E90-1 RA-6 EURO J BLACK 0564744
E90-1 RA-6 EURO J1 BLACK 0564745
E90-1 RA-6 EURO L BLACK 0564746
E90-1 RA-6 EURO P1 BLACK 0564747
E90-1 RA-6 EURO R BLACK 0565919
E90-1 RA-6 CTR South Africa ZA CV Black 0566769
E90-1 RA-6 EURO Q BLACK 0566823
E90-1 RA-6 EURO F BLACK 0566827
E90-1 RA-6 CTR TIM IT V2 CU Black P1675 0570568

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Windows 7, so far so good!

I know that this is not a feature of Windows 7, but heck, its part of my experience. This is my 1st blog post, not done from the WP Admin console (I know, I know). I’m using Windows Live Writer, which I discovered while exploring Windows 7. And that’s that. Nothing more to say, except that I love the following about Windows 7 so far:

  • Like the way the taskbar allows one to pin applications
  • Like the way the themes work and backgrounds change
  • Like the libraries feature, allowing me to collate multiple folders for My Documents, My Music etc, from different places.
  • Like the bootup and shutdown times

Don’t like the fact that the licence is going to expire at some point!

Friday, August 07, 2009

JK Divorce Entrance Dance

JK Divorce Entrance Dance

Monday, August 03, 2009

JK Wedding Entrance Dance

JK Wedding Entrance Dance

Not sure how this can be done with purdah section, but needs to be done at next family wedding!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Classic, in all senses of the word!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="299" caption="Classic, in all senses of the word!"]Classic, in all senses of the word![/caption]

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Halaal Gelatine - Should you know better?

In my opinion, the whole halaal gelatine issue is a sad reflection of how divided we are as Muslims. At the moment, there are 3 major Halaal "authorities" in South Africa, SANHA, MJC and NIHT.

SANHA approves only gelatine derived from Halaal animals as Halaal, while the other two certify gelatine derived from haraam animals as halaal. The reason given by MJC is that the gelatine undergoes significant change from its original state (bones) to make it irreversible.

My opinion is that this reason is dodgy and I seem to be in the minority on this one.

I have one question that no one at MJC / NIHT seem to have been asked. Why don't they then certify gelatine derived from Pigs as halaal? Surely it undergoes the same process? Is there a difference between consuming a haraam cow and a pig? The hadith used to justify "significantly metamorphosed animals" mentions a donkey that dissolved into a salt-pan. Would NIHT/MJC certify gelatine derived from donkies halaal? (ok, that was more than one question)

Sounds dodgey to me.

Friday, April 17, 2009

iTools in Python

Calculating Islamic prayer times can be simple, if you are outside and have stick (where you can check if its sunrise, sunset, mid-day etc.) or quite complex if you want to calculate whether it's sunrise, sunset, mid-day etc. Thankfully, there are people who have done the complex calculations and others that have pulled these into software.

Unfortunately however, the geniuses at decided to use c as their preferred language for the iTools project. iTools is available as a package on Ubuntu, as well as libitl, the library where all the smart stuff happens. The guys at arabeyes were kind enough to also include with the libitl source code an example perl wrapper and the SWIG configuration files thereof!

A few hours of tinkering with SWIG got me to the point where I can succesfully calculate Salaah times using a decent programming language (Python).

Here is the wrapper library, compiled object and example code for anyone that wants it. I will explain the process in making the attached when I have more time (InshaAllah).

For anyone wishing to roll their own, download the SWIG interface file and Makefile and place these in the swig folder of the libitl source package. Build the itl source before running "make python" in the swig directory.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

The 5th Ninja Turtle...

[caption id="attachment_423" align="alignnone" width="282" caption="The missing Ninja turtle"]The missing Ninja turltle[/caption]

mshini-wam ringtone

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

block aceess to adult sites and mobile chat on your kids phone (MTN)

MTN had a parental control service that, like man of its other services is not advertised.

In order to activate it, you need to dial *101# from your kids phone. Then select option 4 to set yourself up as the guardian. Once you have setup a pin and the guardians cell number, you may then setup the blocking options, which allows you to block access to adult content, gambling or chat services.

Monday, February 09, 2009

How to initiate a firmware update on your DSTV decoder

Not sure which models this applies to, but it works on my DSD 910 and has got me out of trouble at least twice so far.

  • Press standby and tv/music bottom together (In other words Reset)

  • As soon as"dl" is displayed, press the standby button, then the program up, then the program down button and the standby button again.

  • When the DL goes away  "ed" should come up and hopefully it will download the newest firmware.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Kam'a, Dessert Truffles, cure for eyes, where can I get this stuff?

After reading this hadith, I've been wondering if this stuff is available in South Africa? :

Sahih Bukhari, Book 60

Volume 6, Book 60, Number 5:
Narrated Said bin Zaid:

Allah's Apostle said, "The Kam'a (i.e. a kind of edible fungus) is like the Manna (in that it is obtained without effort) and its water is a (medicine) cure for eye trouble."

Bling your Pearl

I read that one of the best features of the Blackberry 8100 /81XX Pearl is the ability to change the colour of the Pearl. Wow. Isn't that usefull?

So I ignored the feature up until recently when my 1st Blackberry (R.I.P, wish I could've shared this app with u) was replaced after it's most unfortunate demise .

I stumbled accross the install files while trying to replace my old Blackberry apps (like Twitterberry)and thought, what the heck, let me give it a shot. And Damn! Colour me impressed!

Blinged Pearl

There are two apps available, depending on your firmware version:
Colorpearl (Works on Version 4.2 OS) and BlingBall (Works on V5 OS)

Colorpearl OTA (Install directly to your mobile)

I've also made the install files available here:

Colorpearl and BlingBall


Download the Zips, unpack and install using Desktop Manager.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Recipe: Carrot Cake


Recipe: Carrot Cake, originally uploaded by {joey}.


2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1.5 cups grated peeled carrots
1 cup chopped peacan nuts
1 table spoon ground cinnamon
1 cup vegetable oil
1.5 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon bicarbonate
4 eggs

Beat sugar with eggs, add oil, carrots, nuts and remaining dry ingredients and beat together.

Bake @ 180 deg for 30 minutes or 20 minutes for cupcakes.

1 x 250g tub cream cheese
1 table spoon soft butter
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
3 cups icing sugar

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Poem dedicated to an Israeli soldier.

To the Israeli Soldier

Listen and listen well
O! One who could have been our brother
For we are one people, whether you like it or not
You are a Semite, A son of Israeel (Isaac)
I am a Semite, A son of Ismaeel (Ishmael)
Our father, the father of both you and I
Is Ibrahim (Abraham)
Or are you one who will even deny his own father?

Listen and listen well
O! One who could have been our brother
We will die on our feet
But we will not live on our knees.
You know how to kill, But we know how to die
Hitler gassed 6 million of you, But he could not kill your spirit
Those who died only made stronger, those who remained alive
Why then do you imagine; that if you become Hitlers
The results of your 'gassing'
Would be any different?

Listen and listen well
O! One who could have been our brother
Just as others silently watched you going into the gas chambers
Others silently watch us burying our children, the children that you continue to kill
But we remind ourselves
That the blow that does not break the back, only strengthens you.
So O! You who used to be the People of Musa (Moses),
But today you have become people of the Firawn (Pharaoh)
Remember we are the real people of Moses, for we believe in his message; not you
Remember that when the fight is between Moses and Pharaoh
Moses always wins.

We say to the silent watchers, the cowards,
We say to those who sit securely in their homes
We are the frontline who are holding back the enemy
When we fall, it will be your turn.
Remember O! Arabs
The story of the White Bull (Al Thawr il Abyadh)
Who said to the world when the tiger finally came for him
Listen O! People, I do not die today,
I died when the Black Bull died.

Listen and listen well
O! One who could have been our brother
We did not come into this world to live here forever
Neither did you
One day we will all go from here
Whether we like it or not
What is important my brother, son of Israeel
Sons of a Prophet, O! What have you become today?
What have you allowed them to make you?
Kill us, if that is what you want to do
At least we die at the hands of our own brothers
And not at the hands of strangers

Listen and listen well
O! One who could have been our brother
We laugh as we see your Apache helicopters and F-16 jets fly overhead
We laugh because we can smell your fear
Why else do you need Apaches and F-16s to fight children with rocks?
A battle of honor is between equals
We challenge you, you who have sold your honor
Come to us as equals; so that we can show you how to die with honor
We laugh at you because we know, that not in a million years
Will one of you ever have the guts to stand up to one of our children
Without hiding behind an array of weapons that the American tax payer gives you
We laugh at you, because that is what every warrior does
When he faces an army of cowards.

Listen and listen well
O! One who could have been our brother
It is not whether we live or die that is important
It is how we live and how we die
Ask yourself: How would you like to be remembered?
Without respect, despised and accursed through the centuries,
Or blessed, honored, your passing mourned.
Allah is our witness: We lived with honor; begging for no favors
And He is our witness: That today we die with honor; on our feet
Fighting until the last breath leaves our body; even if all we have in our hands are stones
He is the witness over us both
As you kill us and as we die
And to Him is our return

Listen and listen well
O! One who could have been our brother
On that Day, my little baby who you killed last night
Will ask Him for what crime she was murdered
Prepare your answer, O! One who could have been our brother
For you will answer to Him
I swear by His Power: You will answer to Him.

~ Mirza Yawar Baig

Friday, January 09, 2009

Koop a Doos

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="465" caption="Koop a Doos"]Koop a Doos[/caption]

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Quraan for Nokia handsets

Nokia have made available a Quraan for some of their devices on their site.
With the Quran application you can:

  • Read the Holy Quran in digitised Othmany font, included with the application.

  • Listen to a well-known narrator read the whole Quran or just the sections you select.

  • Find a Verse or Sura by entering the number, choosing from the menu or by
    searching the entire Quran for a word or phrase.

  • Save your current position using the bookmark option or set the application to open
    at the same place automatically.

  • Select the language you prefer from Arabic, English, French and Urdu.

Other cool apps like the Islamic Organizer that originally came with my e90 have disappeared so I've decided to host copies of some of the install files for your and my convenience:

e90 zip

n95 8Gb zip

n73 zip

e51 zip

Quaraan Audio zip


Unzip and copy / install.

Audio file instructions:

  • Step 1: Download the Quran Audio Zip file and extract it to your PC, the following
    folder structure will be created private200044bcQuraansound2 including all the MP3

  • Step 2: Connect your compatible Nokia device in Mass Storage mode to you PC.

  • Step 3: Copy the whole extracted folder to your memory card under private200044bcQuraansound2.

  • Start the Quran application and listen to the Quran narrated by Sheikh Ali Al Hudhaifi.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

How to add my search engines to your WP blog.

In order to add one of my search engines to your blog you require some bits of code. Click on the search tab to see what it looks like. Here be the code for those that aren't contributers to the actual search engines and therefore don't have access (just copy and paste):

South African Blogs Search Engine
<style type="text/css">
@import url(;
<div class="cse-branding-right" style="background-color:#000000;color:#FFFFFF">
<div class="cse-branding-form">
<form action="" id="cse-search-box">
<input type="hidden" name="cx" value="005508052117685178632:raufkmkjhyc" />
<input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8" />
<input type="text" name="q" size="31" />
<input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" />
<div class="cse-branding-logo">
<img src="" alt="Google" />
<div class="cse-branding-text">
Custom Search

Famous Search Engine of Food and Recipes
<style type="text/css">
@import url(;
<div class="cse-branding-right" style="background-color:#000000;color:#FFFFFF">
<div class="cse-branding-form">
<form action="" id="cse-search-box">
<input type="hidden" name="cx" value="005508052117685178632:jqfyrugxohk" />
<input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8" />
<input type="text" name="q" size="31" />
<input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" />
<div class="cse-branding-logo">
<img src="" alt="Google" />
<div class="cse-branding-text">
Custom Search

Islamic Search Engine
<style type="text/css">
@import url(;
<div class="cse-branding-right" style="background-color:#000000;color:#FFFFFF">
<div class="cse-branding-form">
<form action="" id="cse-search-box">
<input type="hidden" name="cx" value="005508052117685178632:ri3ypvb-k-s" />
<input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8" />
<input type="text" name="q" size="31" />
<input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" />
<div class="cse-branding-logo">
<img src="" alt="Google" />
<div class="cse-branding-text">
Custom Search