I'm glad that in South Africa, we have a balanced view when it comes to freedom, rather than merely accepting the western view in which freedom comes without consequence or measure (accept when the get-out-of-jail terrorism card is used that is). We in South Africa have freedom where it matters most, and where it doesn't come at the expense of others dignity, like freedom of religion. Freedoms which don't exist in western places like France.
However, I would have preferred that the take down was as a result of people expressing their views with their buying power rather than political or violent pressure. I stopped paying attention to any of Ferial's media with the cartoons that insulted my prophet and am glad with that choice after this spear debacle.
Reshared post from +News24.comCOLUMN by City Press editor Ferial Haffajee
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The Spear is down – out of care and fear The Spear is down. Out of care and as an olive branch to play a small role in helping turn around a tough moment, I have decided to take down the image.
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